Eitan Freilich - Lehodos Lecha

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A heartfelt Tefilla transforms the innermost yearnings of our soul into words and sentences. Yet so often it is only brought to light in times of distress and tragedy. But when we see success, we take the credit. When we witness a miracle, we explain it away.

To pray is to thank. To thank is to appreciate. To appreciate is to notice. To notice is to stop. Each day we need to stop for one moment, look around us and see the beautiful, balanced world that gives us sustenance and pleasure. Our nation is full of pride, our land has been revived, our Torah is once again flourishing.

Let this music turn our daily reality into heartfelt prayer to you, Hashem. A teffilah that helps us to see your role in our life and the life of our nation. A prayer that never ends, for how can we ever stop thanking you?

Eitan Freilich
London, 5777


Produced by: Sruly Meyer

Composed by:Yitzy Waldner
Arranged by: Sonic-Duo - Mendy & Chesky

Vocals (New Jersey): Ian Freitor

Vocals (London): Motti Cohen

Drums: Dan Pugach
Bass: Tamir Shmerling
Keys: Mendy Hershkowitz
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Sax solo: Avrumi Basch
Brass: Sonic-Duo Horns
Horns: Israel Studios

Choir:Zemiros Group
Mix and Master: V-Gold Beat Production

Graphics: Levik T.

Photo Credit: Shimon Freilich


My Thanks to You:

My producer,  Sruly Meyer for a first class production and for your untiring enthusiasm and passion to create meaningful Jewish music.

A heartfelt thank you to Gabriella, for your support, guidance and constant inspiration. My gratitude is everlasting.

My dear parents, for words cannot express my sincere gratitude for your patience, encouragement and unconditional love.

My live musical director  Luis Herszaft, a friend more like a brother – thank you for being with me every step of the way on this wonderful journey.

Avi Newmark for introducing me to the scene and continuing to help nurture and produce the art I love.