Emes V'Simcha - Baruch Naftel

Emes V'Simcha - Baruch Naftel

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In these trying times, what more appropriate than to sing a Tefilah to Hashem asking him to ensure that all of the families in Klal Yisrael are healthy and strong in order to serve him with happiness! Enjoy this selection off of the Baruch Naftel debut album.


-Emes V'simcha -
אמת ושמחה- שנהיה אנו ובני ביתינו בריאים וחזקים לעבדך באמת ובשמחה (תפילה לברית מילה בעת בכיית התינוק)
Produced by: Hillel Kapnick (www.hillelkaps.com)
Co-produced by: Baruch Naftel (Lazer Productions) & Aryeh Kunstler
Composed by: Elimelech Blumstein
Music Arranged & Programmed by: Moshe Ackerman (Olturix) & HayTem
Backing Vocals: Hillel Kapnick Mixed by: Moshe Ackerman (Olturix)
Recorded @ Uptop Studios (Monsey, NY) - Engineered by Hillel Kapnick